Дизайнеры шрифтов запилили новую опенсорсную лицензию (видимо, OFL было мало).

https://gitlab.com/StudioTriple/pilowlava/-/blob/master/Velvetyne Open Licens...

6. The anticapitalist clause: None of the above rights (use, study, copy, merge, embed, modify) are valid if the user is — or is part of — a company with an annual turnover equal or superior to 1 million euros per year. If a part of the user company shares would be own by other company(ies), these other company(ies) annual turnover(s) would be added to the user company in a proportion of the percentage of shares they own.

А также из описания шрифта, который распространяется под этой лицензией:

Pilowlava (sic) was born as an intuitive, fast-paced creative feedback loop in which its creators tried to amaze one another. The result is a typeface that recalls cooled lava flows drawn with a compass.


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