И это всё МОЁ

Джоэл Спольски разместил пост, после которого «меня терзают смутные сомнения» (https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2019/03/28/the-next-ceo-of-stack-overflow/)

Вкратце суть в том, что они ищут нового CEO для Stack Overflow, который должен будет проводить новую политику.

...we have a responsibility to create an online community that is far more diverse, inclusive, and welcoming of newcomers.

In many ways Stack Overflow’s specific rules for what is permitted and what is not are obstacles, but an even bigger problem is rudeness, snark, or condescension that newcomers often see.

We’re especially focused on identifying candidates from under-represented groups, and making sure that every candidate we consider is deeply committed to making our company and community more welcoming, diverse, and inclusive.

Слова-маркёры вроде «under-represented groups», «diverse» и «inclusive» особенно пугают.

Делаем ставки, как скоро Stack Overflow будет оккупирован SJW?
