И это всё МОЁ

Добавлю уж сразу как новость, с логом изменений:

Corrected command line parameters for some games, including Wadjet Eye games like Blackwell Epiphany.
Fixed some games failing or crashing in certain locales like Turkish.
Updated FAudio to 19.03-25-g8105923.
Fixed a crash when alt-tabbing out of Deus Ex.
Restored previous .NET installer functionality.


Rebased Proton patches on top of Wine 4.2. There are more than 2,400 improvements to Wine between those versions. 166 patches from Proton 3.16 have been upstreamed or are no longer needed.
Update DXVK to 1.0.1.
Update FAudio to 19.03-13-gd07f69f.
Mouse cursor behavior improvements for games including Resident Evil 2 and Devil May Cry 5.
Fixes for networking in NBA 2K19 and NBA 2K18.
Fixed controller duplication in RiME and other games that use SDL2.
Improvements to CJK locales and font support.
Wine's Vulkan now supports version 1.1.104 and advertises support for version 1.1 to applications.
Proton's fullscreen hack now works for GDI-based games.
Better support for games that use IVRInput for controller input in VR.
Further improvements and new features in the «easy path» build system. Run «make help» in the Proton directory for documentation.

скайрим уже не запускается с 4.2 на драйвере radeon.

Update DXVK to 1.0.1.

если эта часть относится к дх9, то вероятно протон стал капризен к слишком старым дровам?
алсо, на amdgpu тоже не заработал.
